
Coordinator of Youth Confirmation : Dana Robles – Email at | Phone: 951 689-1131 ext. 240

Coordinator of Adult Confirmation : Grace Fernandez – Email at   Phone: 951 689-1131 ext. 233

"Finally, brothers (and sisters), whatever is true, whatever is honorable, just, pure, lovely, and gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things." Phillipians 4:8

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Adult Confirmation

Christians are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

Discipleship begins with the encounter with Christ, when one decides to follow Jesus. Keeping the Ten Commandments comes later, as one encounters Christ and decides to do his will. This is a two-stage process of initial and ongoing conversion, of internal and external assent that may happen simultaneously as we mature as Christians. This maturation leads us to an ever deeper level of discipleship with Christ. The Holy Spirit moves us from an external conformity of actions to an internal response to Christ, to following Christ in the Holy Spirit! “The redemption accomplished by the Son in the dimensions of the earthly history of humanity—accomplished in his ‘departure’ through the Cross and Resurrection—is at the same time, in its entire salvific power, transmitted to the Holy Spirit: the one who will take what is mine.” (Dominum et Vivificantem, no.11) All Christian spirituality flows from responding to the Holy Spirit. Hence, the word “spirituality.” (Read more)


You may print the form and drop off with requirements at the front office. This program is for baptized adults. If you are not baptized and/or have graduated from High School and wish to make any of your Sacraments of Initiation, please visit the RCIA page.

Adult Confirmation Registration Procedure

  1. Register online for adult confirmation sessions
  2. Is St. Thomas your home parish? If yes, are you a registered parishioner of St. Thomas? If you are not registered you need to register before you begin your confirmation process.
  3. If St. Thomas is not your home parish. You will need to provide a letter from your home parish stating you are an active member and that you have permission to attend the confirmation process here at St. Thomas the Apostle.
  4. Provide the following sacramental certificates; Baptism, first Holy Communion and if married certificate of Holy Matrimony.
  5. Chose a Confirmation sponsor and have them sign the sponsor agreement form.
  6. Once you have steps 1-5 completed contact the Confirmation Coordinator to set up your initial journey meeting.

Youth Confirmation

Confirmation deepens our baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. We receive the message of faith in a deeper and more intensive manner with great emphasis given to the person of Jesus Christ, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church for building up the community in loving service.

Source: United States Catholic Catechism for Adults

Just as bodies and minds grow, Catholics believe that the soul also needs to grow in the life of grace. The sacrament of Confirmation builds on the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and Holy Communion, completing the process of initiation into the Catholic community. This sacrament is called confirmation because the faith given in Baptism is now confirmed and made strong. You and your child have been chosen by God to continue walking in faith with Jesus Christ and His Church!  The Confirmation journey will be tailored to accommodate your child’s schedule. Our hope is that the preparation time for this sacrament becomes an opportunity for growth in faith and a time to strengthen relationships within the church community. 

This program is for baptized youth in grades 9 – 12. If you are not baptized and/or have graduated from High School and wish to make any of your Sacraments of Initiation, please visit the RCIA page.

You may fill out the form online and drop off your requirements at the front office. Alternatively, you may print the form and drop it off together at the front office.

Registration Procedure for Youth Confirmation

Youth Confirmation – Steps for Enrollment

New Youth:

  • 1) Fill out and turn in a registration form. Registration forms can be found on St. Thomas website, in the vestibule of the church or at the front office.
  • 2) The Faith Formation office will contact you to schedule a Confirmation Journey meeting for parent and youth. 
  • 3) Confirmation Sessions begin in October – calendar will be given out at the Confirmation Journey meeting. 
  • 4) The total cost is $150 per youth.  (no youth will be denied the sacrament because of financial hardship)
  •  5) Turn in a copy of the youth’s baptism certificate at the Confirmation Journey meeting.                                                                                             

 Returning Youth:

  • 1) Contact the Faith Formation office to schedule a Confirmation Journey meeting for parent and youth.   Email Dana Robles –                                                       
  • (you DO NOT need to fill out a new registration form)
  • 2) Confirmation Sessions begin in October – calendar will be given out at the Confirmation Journey meeting. 

Please click on the following links to learn more about the Sacraments:

USCCB on Sacraments and Sacramentals

Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism | Confirmation | Eucharist

Sacraments of Healing: Penance and Reconciliation | Anointing of the Sick

SACRAMENTS OF SERVICE: Matrimony | Holy Orders

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